Saturday 25 May 2013

Jihadis and other curses

I've been avoiding posting about world events (one of my 3 brain compartments) because what is there to say? Syria. Boston marathon. Stephen Hawking. London jihadists. It's sickening and it's terrifying. And what can I say that hasn't been said by people who are smarter and better connected than I? 
But after this last atrocity where David Cameron and Boris Johnson are simpering about Islam, the religion of peace, and as usual, no Muslim leader that I have heard about has stood up to sincerely denounce the shocking slaughter in London of an off-duty soldier, well, I don't know. And now apparently some 'extreme Right' types- ie Neo Nazis- have been gathering to 'take back the streets' or whatever the euphemism is for anti-Muslim race riots, well that's not good either, is it. I mean, nobody to barrack for there. 
Embedding Stephen Hawking among all these horrors might be considered overkill, but in our celebrity-obsessed culture, and even NOT in our culture, the word of a famous scientist has some Influence. So he has lined up with BDS and their lies and refused to go to president Peres' 90th because Israel is an Apartheid state. You would think that a smart guy like that would do some research and find the truth. I'm wondering if the Saudis  have dangled an endowment for a Stephen Hawking chair in Physics at Cambridge or something so he's smart enough to know which side his bread is buttered on. Just wondering. 
And have they figured out what to do with Tamerlane Tsernaev's body yet? I sure hope they didn't send it back to Jihadi Mama. I can tell them what to do with it: wrap it in a pigskin and bury it in Potters' Field, unmarked. Or cremate it and dump it in the sea to keep Bin Laden company. 
And Lord Ahmed, the 'first Muslim peer'! I must say, I had never heard of this guy and I don't know how he became ennobled by Her Majesty, but Mr Interfaith Dialogue sure knew who to blame for his prison sentence after he killed a pedestrian while texting as he was driving! The Jews of course! The Jew judges and lawyers, according to his interview in Pakistan, in Urdu of course. In English, the good lord is less than forthcoming. Maybe he did say that, maybe he didn't, he can't quite put his finger on it. 
Now we have the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism, which sounds great! At last! Except that's not going to touch the phenomenon of Anti-Zionism, which is basically anti-Semitism with a college degree. So there, Lord Ahmed. Rap on knuckles for you! But not for Prof Hawking. Or BDS. Or all the slanderers of Israel. 
So it's over and out for now, I'll leave further  commentary  for the real pros. Professional journalists, that is. 

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