Sunday 20 May 2012

A Mazel Tov- sibling assisted

Just a short note. Last week I did a lightning visit to NY because my son became a chosson and we met up the the kallah and her family, and it was all wonderful, thank G-d. And I am only mentioning this because the shidduch was done by my daughter in conjunction with the girl's sister. So a sibling-mediated shidduch. Yes, I gave shadchanim a chance but, I repeat, if it can be done by family and/or friends, looking out for each other, it is so much better. Not wishing to deprive matchmakers of their livelihood, but it's the truth.
So siblings! Look out for siblings. And friends! Help your friends. And singles! Let them help you. And mazel tov to all.


  1. Lots of nachas to you. mazel tov! good post. hope you have my family viewing....

  2. It used to be only by friends and family, once upon a time:

    My sister: high school friend.

    My brother: friend of the family since dawn of time.

    Other brother: aunt.

    Self proclaimed "shadchanim" is a recent invention.
