Wednesday 4 December 2013

Rolling home

And so another sojourn in Israel comes to an end. In 4 weeks I managed to go to 2 weddings, one funeral, 2 shiva visits, one tour of the Old City, one political lecture, one fund raising dinner, the 4th birthday of a grandson, and ...drum roll...the birth of a new granddaughter. Mazel tov, thank you, nachas. Always a lot happening here. 
And of course, Chanukah. And Thanksgivukkah! As I mentioned before, a bi-cultural Fress. 
So tonight, the last night of Chanukah, I ate my last latke followed by the last sufganiyah, thank G-d, because I think if I eat anymore they're going to have to use a shoehorn to get me into my plane seat. 
O, Israel, land of the mehadrin Magnum,  yea though I swim every morning and walk around a lot during the day, the calorie balance shifts ever against me. 
It's time to go home, laden with gifts for the folks back home, as well as with mehadrin gourmet French, Italian and Spanish cheeses (yes, I declare them and no, it's not illegal to bring cheese into Australia provided they are made in France, Spain or Italy.) 
I know it's time to go home because my nails are crying to be manicured and my feet ditto. And my eyebrows have escaped all control. I don't feel comfortable letting anyone but my usual peeps look after my aging bod. 
Now that the winter rains have finally begun, I think I have chickened out of my morning swim, I won't be able to walk around much so I guess it's off to the breakfast buffet for one more G-d Bless Israel breakfast. But definitely NO MORE DONUTS. Maybe a magnum later. We׳ll see. 

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