Sunday 17 August 2014

Enough, already. Really.

So much has been happening, and so much loss. From MH17 to Protective Edge, from Robin Williams to Lauren Bacall, even locally, 2 peers of mine who died suddenly leaving barely grown families. Too much sadness.
Tisha B'Av has passed, Moshiach didn't come- you may think me naive or deluded, but I actually do believe that Moshiach will come 'even though he tarries'. He has to come.
Anti-Semitism continues to rise, Hamas is still unbeaten, ISIS continues its rampage through the region.
Yesterday I read of 2 young women, Italian aid workers, who entered Syria via Turkey in order to help the suffering of the citizenry, and were abducted by IS terrorists. So it will be pretty much a miracle if they haven't been raped to death by now. The depravity of that bunch is beyond belief. They relish their evil, posting their own videos of battlefield executions and beheadings of fellow Muslims (well, according to them, Shiites aren't Muslim, so it's OK to murder them in cold blood and chuck their bodies into rivers or peg up their heads on stakes) and rape, murder, besiege and starve 40,000 Yazidis, including of course many women and children.

But in Belfast! The good citizenry find nothing better to do than swarm a local supermarket and remove all Israeli-sourced goods from shelves, in the name of BDS.
Talk about a meeting of morons. These people were shooting and murdering and blowing each other up five minute ago. They were bombing London. Both sides produced terrorists who perpetuated the senseless 'Hatfield and McCoy' style of tit-for-tat blood feuds that went on for decades. But NOW, they are big experts on geopolitics, especially the Arab-Israeli conflict and ESPECIALLY Hamas and Israel, and they are going to fix everything by boycotting Israeli goods. Like that makes any sense. AND what do they chant? 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea'. Which is of course, a call for genocide and the obliteration of Israel. So basically, the Irish involved know nothing; but they know how to be anti-Semites.

Where are the protestors against the ISIS thugs and murderers and child-killers? Well, that's all too hard isn't it. Let's go for the soft target; the only free democracy in the region.

I can't keep going on and on about this. The reason I haven't written much is that there is so much written about the Gaza conflict that by the time I finish reading all the opinions, which are never-ending, and all the comment threads, and responding in cyber-warrior fashion to anti-Israel crap, I have no time to actually write stuff myself. And surely everyone is sick of it.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of this stupid Irish joke. I'm sick of BDS-holes. And I'm sure sick of anti-Semitism in all its forms.

Moshiach, hurry up already. Enough with the tarrying. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

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