Wednesday 7 March 2012


So it’s Purim tomorrow and we will celebrate the downfall of our enemy, Haman, descendant of Amalek, by feasting and drinking and giving food to each other- in other words, ‘they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat!’
And in Shul last Shabbos, I stood up and listened to instruction to ‘Remember to blot out the memory of Amalek’, who attacked the Israelites when they left Egypt, for no reason. The Jews weren’t going to war with them, didn’t want to colonize their lands, but the tribe of Amalek refusedto allow safe passage and attacked the travelers. Specifically they targeted those stragglers and weak who were outside the protection of the Ananei haKoved, the Clouds of Glory. We interpret this as being those who were not as spiritually strong; they were on the outer, but they were still Jews. The Jews fought back, and with the help of Moshe, they defeated Amalek.
So every other nation was in awe of the Jews and the Clouds and the presence of G-d, but not Amalek. And we say that all those who wish to destroy the Jews are descendants of Amalek. No shortage of those,hey?
But Amalek is also a spiritual state: of doubt, of 'coolness’ instead of enthusiasm and passion. It is the voice that whispers inyour ear, ‘Nah, how could the world have been created in 6 days? It’s a pretty myth.’ ‘Split the Red Sea? Must have been a natural event.’ ‘Maybe everything they say about Israel is true? Maybe it is an apartheid state? Maybe the IDF really is brutal, maybe they really do shoot to kill Palestinian children? After all, look at the photos and news coverage?’ Even though in your heart you know the truth.
Anyway, this instruction to remember to forget always used to try my sense of logic. I mean, if you are supposed to blot out the memory of Amalek, why keep reminding us? Just forget it already!
But the trouble is, many Jews have forgotten. Many Jews cannot get their heads around the sort of behaviour where, for no reason at all, people attack Jews. The weak, the children, the defenceless, all are fair game. For no reason.
‘No, it must be poverty! It must have been something we said, we did, we thought! It must be our presence which is so offensive to them that they have no choice, no choice but to attack us! We don’t deserve to be there, it’s not our land, it’s the settlers, the settlers! It’s their fault. They don’t represent me! I’m not a hot–headed fanatic like them, I’m reasonable, let’s give the land to the Arabs, it’s not ours in the first place.’
They can justify bombing pizza shops, schoolbuses, shuls, schools, anything. Because there must be a reason. Nobody would do this for no reason!
Yes they can. It’s Amalek. And, additionally, the parallels between Persia of the time of Queen Esther and today are insane. Another Amalekite, Ahmedinajad, the Persian vizier, threatens to destroy the people of Mordechai the Jew, man woman and child; annihilation. Just like Haman. And we pray that, as with Haman, the tables will be turned and the Jewish people will have ‘light, happiness, joy and glory’.
Have a wonderful, joyous Purim, go easy on the hamantaschen.

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