Thursday, 9 February 2017

Send in the clowns?

I was thinking about the shemozzle that is the state of the union right now in the US, and it occurred to me that Donald Trump is Achashverosh. 
He is the perfect embodiment of a powerful, impulsive, cunning fool. Really, think about it. What other powerful leader can you think of who throws out orders without too much thought, who makes comments and tweets with even less thought? The media might be doing a job on him, but when it comes to making Trump look bad, I think he's doing a great job by himself. 
And the cronyism. And the surrounding himself with 'advisers' who just seem to enable him. I mean, if they are somehow reining him in, then I do not want to see what he is like when not being reined in. 
And is Melania Vashti? Exiled from Shushanington (I'm not saying he'll off her, but she sure ain't Esther, even if she did win some sort of beauty contest in Slovenia.) (I'm pretty sure Ivanka isn't Esther either, and nope, Jared may be a smart Jew, but he ain't Mordechai.)

So Trump is Achashverosh. But he is not Haman. Haman is alive and well in Persia - Iran- from whence we have just heard the latest threat, about how it will take only 7 minutes for the missiles to reach Tel Aviv once they are launched from Iran. 
So let's not forget who the real enemy is. 

And let's hope and pray that Achashverosh will do the right thing when called upon.  

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